SPRINGFIELD State Senator Patrick Joyce (D–Essex), passed Wednesday’s Illinois Senate measure that encourages the use biodiesel.
Joyce said that encouraging the use of higher-quality biodiesel blends will help the Illinois economy increase soybean demand and support a cleaner-burning fuel. Illinois should be on a path to more biodiesel usage. This is good news for the environment, Illinois farmers, as well as our economy.
Current law exempts diesel blends exceeding 10% biodiesel (B11), from all sales taxes up to Dec. 31, 2023. Joyce passed Senate Bill 1146, which would exempt proceeds from sales of biodiesel/renewable diesel from sales tax
This legislation increases the threshold above which biodiesel mix levels must be to qualify for the incentive, to B20 by April 1, 2026. The levels of qualifying blends will gradually increase to B14 and B17 in 2024, before reaching B20 by 2026.
This legislation will help Illinois fight the impacts of climate change and also support the over 43,000 soybean producers of our great state. Steve Pitstick is Chairperson of the Illinois Soybean Association.
Senate Bill 1146 was passed by the Senate and is now being considered in the House.