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Kansas Department of Health and Environment raises concerns about omicron variant
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Kansas Department of Health and Environment raises concerns about omicron variant

TOPEKA (KSNT) – With the final holidays of the year right around the corner, how concerned should your holiday party be of the latest variant? KSNT reached to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment in order to find out.

Since its detection in November, uncertainty has been a problem with the new variant.

What we hear is that omicron may be less severe than delta. It may be similar to delta. It is more transmissible than delta we know, Joan Duwve, KDHE Deputy State Healthcare Officer, said.

Omicron is making health officials anxious about the final weeks in 2021.

We expect to see a spike in infectious omicron variation as families travel and get together to celebrate the holidays. Duwve indicated that this may occur during the holidays between Christmas & New Years.

The good news is: Omicron can be fought with one of the tools we have against fighting the virus – vaccines.

You can get the second dose if you have received only one dose of vaccine. If you have received two doses of vaccine, you can get the booster shot. Duwve stated that vaccination is the best way to avoid hospitalization due to COVID.

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