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Launch of a national initiative for the future Welsh natural environment
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Launch of a national initiative for the future Welsh natural environment

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales > News

Posted: Thu 17th Feb 2022

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales

The people of Wales are being asked to speak out about the future of Wales’ natural environment.

Today’s launch: 17Th February,Nature and UsThis initiative aims to include people from all parts of Wales in the management of climate and nature emergencies.

The initiative begins with a 10-week national conversation following the global talks at the COP26 conference on climate change in Glasgow and Wales Climate Week.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW), supported by the Welsh Government, facilitates the discussion. It examines the environmental changes and the role that individuals, businesses, and organizations can play in restoring the environment to its former glory.

Nature and UsThis is an important step that will help you focus on the urgent actions required over the next 10+ years.

The initiative will draw on the outputs of the national conversation to create a shared vision for future natural environments.

Nature is important both for its own sake and for what it provides for people – such as clean water, clean air and food so the aim is to get as many people as possible to share their views and talk about their relationships with the natural environment.

Nature and UsExplores the need to take immediate actions as a country and individuals to ensure that future generations can enjoy a healthy natural environment.

Nature and Us will examine key areas of change, including how our energy, transport, and food systems operate today and how they could be improved to better serve nature in the future.

Businesses and public sector organisations are encouraged participate.

They can inform their staff, customers, and members about the campaign or organize their own Nature and Us events.

The campaign has already received support from the likesNature and UsambassadorRichard ParksHe encourages others and urges them to have their say.

“Nature and Us is a campaign to involve everyone in Wales in an open and frank discussion about the future of our natural environment.

“We know that the people of Wales from individuals to companies to government each have a role to play in protecting our natural environment, but not everyone feels empowered to have their opinion.

This campaign aims for everyone to be able to decide together what changes we need, regardless of age, race, gender, or gender.

I am committed to having my voice heard and encourage all Welsh citizens to do the same.

We need to act now to tackle the climate and nature emergencies, and we also want to create a vision for our children’s future. A vision that every person in Wales can envision, one that is achievable and one that we all can support.

Clare Pillman, Chief Executive, Natural Resource Wales, stated: Nature and Us is all the people of Wales coming together to protect our natural environments.

We must act immediately to address the climate and natural emergencies. However, we also want to create a vision of our future. A Wales that is fair and achievable.

This can only be done by listening to as many voices as possible across society.

Climate Change Minister Julie James said: Tackling the climate and nature emergencies is at the heart of everything we do – we must protect our environment for future generations.

Natural Resources Wales is hosting this conversation because we need a Team Wales approach in order to realize our ambitious plans for restoring nature.

I encourage everyone to learn more about Nature and Us and to make sure that their voices are heard.

It is very easy to participate inNature and us, The majority of resources will be accessible online.

You can find information about climate and nature emergencies, take part in a survey, or register online for events.

There are also tools that can be used to support school groups and community groups in hosting their own conversations. They can also share their results in more creative ways such as creating poetry or short films.

After the initial phase of this initiative is completed, the next step will be to play back some of our findings, messages, and voices from engagement events that took place in the spring and summer.

Visitwww.natureandus.walesGet involved.

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