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To Carry a Sword is a fun game with imperfect mechanics
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To Carry a Sword is a fun game with imperfect mechanics

To Carry a SwordTakes the format of The Oregon TrailTo its natural end, a series of small sojourns that connect into one large, player-determined adventure.

The player will be tasked with creating a career as an medieval caravan guard. The protagonist carries a sword to defend against bandits and robber barsons on the treacherous roads.

There are 11 settlements on the map, many of which offer opportunities to purchase equipment or learn new skills. To travel between settlements to obtain a particular piece or gear, the protagonist must be part of a caravan that follows that route. The popularity statistic of the players and the town where the caravan offerings are located will determine how many circulate.

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The life of a caravanguard restricts player choice. Many games offer a quick travel mechanic to navigate a map. But To Carry a SwordIt is all about the journey and the people you are traveling with. The experience is slowed down by players being held accountable for their characters’ budding careers as guards. Unfortunately, slowing down the process can result in some text boxes being skipped.

Text-based gameplay allows the player to choose how to interact with caravan members during each journey. Sometimes, there are special options that can be accessed through acquired skills. If they are a trained survivalist or skilled in animal handling, they can collect large leaves to keep rain off of travelers. This diversity in interaction inspired me to spend silver to help the caravan.

Skill-dependent options do not seem to be a new concept. They are everywhere. The Outer WorldsText adventures such as Choice of the Dragon.In To Carry a SwordThe effects are especially poignant because skills directly affect whether or not the caravan survives. The game also shows how well you are helping the caravan by providing a goodwill statistic.

Respect, camaraderie and goodwill are the main criteria for evaluating each journey. The last measures your ability to help the group beyond your role of a guard. Making friends and talking to people will increase the camaraderie score. This is far better than having everyone die from dysentery. Respect can be earned by performing your tasks, such killing bandits (or convincing them to go away, if you are less bloodthirsty).

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Combat is the main live-action gameplay. This contrasts with the static interface. The arena is two-dimensional and enemies can attack from both directions. The combat is both awkward and restricting, but it is fun. It is like swinging where there is no protection, depending on whether the opponent is standing or crouching. You can increase the speed with which you can cut through kneecaps, and the power you can do it with by having better gear. This is a reason to travel to towns and a reason for you to improve your skills.

You join caravans to travel to towns and buy goods to help protect the caravans. It is a tight game that is at high risk of becoming stagnant.

Game developer We Three Nouns added the lazy-developer key for infinite replay value: modding potential. The menu also includes instructions on how you can edit the game data to add text and interactions. It is a bit strange that developers tell players to make their games better, but it seems harmless enough as the game is perfect without any modification.

Four factions offer interactive quest lines as an addition to the core gameplay. It is a lot to tell, but the format allows it to breathe. Where the Water Tastes like Wine,Another great game that will allow you to enjoy the ride.

Publication: February 14, 2008.To Carry a Sword Available on Steam for $8.99

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