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Littering A public health and environmental hazard > Robins Air Force Base. Article Display
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Littering A public health and environmental hazard > Robins Air Force Base. Article Display

Incorrect disposal of waste products can have serious health and environmental consequences.

The most common littered items are cigarette butts and food wrappers, plastic bottles and grocery bags, as well as straws, straws, plastic bottles, plastic bottles, plastic bags, and grocery bags. The increase in personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic also contributed to the littering masks, gloves, and wipes.

Litter takes a while to decompose and releases chemicals and microparticles in the environment. Cigarette bits are the most littered items in the world. They contain arsenic, formaldehyde, as well as contributing to soil and water pollution.

Land and aquatic wildlife can also be affected by improperly disposed waste products.

Storms can wash away debris on roads and sidewalks. The storm drain system can then transport the discarded litter, which could lead to flooding and clogging. Aquatic wildlife can get entangled in plastic food packaging, straws, masks, and other waste. This can then be transported through the storm drainage system and deposited in streams, rivers and lakes.

Plastic waste can also be broken down into microplastic particles, which are less than 0.5 mm in size. Microplastics can come from clothing fibers and household supplies. Microplastics could contain harmful organic compounds and contaminants, which can cause harm to ecosystems, biodiversity, food availability, and the environment.

Plastics that have been broken down into microplastics can be inhaled by small aquatic animals, posing a choking risk and restricting their ability eat nutritious food. Another concern is the possibility of microplastic pollution spreading through the ecosystem. Microplastics that are eaten by small aquatic animals can then be eaten and eaten by fish. Humans can then consume them.

The following tips can be used to reduce littering’s environmental and public-health hazards:

– Place trash in bins, trash cans, and dumpsters that have closed lids.
– Keep a trash can in your vehicle
– Don’t leave PPE out for others to pick up
To avoid your hands getting dirty, don’t pick up gloves or masks that have been discarded. Instead, use a broom to sweep them away.
For recyclable materials, use the Recycling Center located at Building 987

Robins AFB can be kept clean and safe by disposing of all litter properly. Call 478-222-2526 for more information.


Editor’s Note: Stormwater Straight Talk is a quarterly column intended to educate and inform base personnel and families about stormwater management.

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