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Opinion| Opinion

Electric cars are not for everyone. Electric cars can be expensive and are often in limited supply so they are not the only way you can combat climate change or environmental damage.

At the very minimum, eat more vegetables and plant your own vegetables. Container gardening can be done inside or outside the house.

If you cannot live without meat, which is most people, then go to your local butcher shop. Wax paper will be used to wrap your purchase, not plastic wrap or foam containers. You can also bring a container from your home and let the butcher fill it.

A major win is riding a bicycle. It is possible to save money on gasoline by riding a bike for short distances within the city and around town. Bikes are inexpensive to purchase, you can repair them yourself, and they don’t release dangerous carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. This will not cause any health problems.

For instance, in Denmark, more than 90% of the population rides a bike. Bicycles are more popular than cars for getting to Copenhagen. People are healthier and have saved over one million sick days each year. The best part? Bicycles don’t produce carbon monoxide, which is one of the most harmful contributors to climate changes.

Bottled water. It’s hard to think of anything positive about the industry. In 2020, Canadians will drink out of more that two billion plastic bottles. Each one of them ended up in the trash, ditches or waterways. It is estimated that the bottled water industry will sell $4.46 trillion worth of water in plastic containers this year and that the profit from those sales could be as high as 200 percent.

Safe and healthy tap water is available at a fraction of the cost. Reusable bottles can be purchased for as low as $10. Consumers and the environment are not being served by the bottled water industry.

There are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint, but it is easy and cheap to simply write to your MPP, MP, and municipal councillors.

Find out what candidates believe in the June Ontario election.

Support candidates who are concerned about the environment and strong climate.

Changes in eating habits, such as a vegetarian diet, will make a difference.

Many of these changes can also help save money and improve one’s health.

It’s a win/win situation.

These are 101 Continue readingHere are some things you can do as an Earth Champion

Tony Cote, a retired journalist with over 40 years of experience in Ottawa and Toronto, is Tony Cote. He served on the Rideau Environmental Action League’s board and the Friends of Foley Mountain. He is now volunteering with Climate Network Lanark. He lives outside Perth, Ont.

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