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Overnight Energy & Environment Manchin hopes for climate spending
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Overnight Energy & Environment Manchin hopes for climate spending

Overnight Energy & Environment Senate panel backs drilling fee hike

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Today were looking at Manchins latest comments on the Democrats’ climate and social spending bill, Democratssignalingtheyre open to changes to get the bill across the finish line and a new study indicating that the Northeast could see more hurricanes.

Rachel Frazin and ZackBudryk were the Hill’s editors. Write to us with tips: Follow us on twitter:@RachelFrazinAnd@BudrykZack.

Lets jump in.

Manchin expresses his openness to climate

Sen.Joe ManchinJoe ManchinBlue States ask Supreme Court for a challenge against SALT cap. Corporations, politicians, and new tax incentives support carbon reduction investments. Senate delays vote as DC is hit hard by snowstorm(D-W.Va.), said Tuesday that it is likely that Democrats will have an easier time reaching an agreement in climate change than in other areas.President BidenJoe BidenTrump blasts the ‘low-life’ Twitter account of Greene that suspended Jill Biden from visiting Kentucky to witness tornado damage.The proposed climate and social spending bill.

Manchin, who last week said he would vote against Build Back Better Act as it stands now, appeared to be open to climate components during the first week of the new year.

He stated to reporters that the climate issue is one where we can probably come to an agreement much more easily than any other.

When asked about climate provisions, he replied, “There are a lot of good stuff in there.”

The chairman of the SenateEnergy and Natural Resources Committee stated that there is a lot money available for innovation, technology, and tax credits for clean technologies and a clean atmosphere.

But… He also expressed some hesitation and said that the country needs to be realistic.

He stated that we must have enough energy for our country to run, and that we must have a transition as we move away from fossil dependency.

He is still not a fan overall of BBB.Manchinreiterated his opposition to the entire package, saying that there have not been any new talks.

I’m not going to talk about Build Back Better because I believe Ive been very clear. He stated that there are no negotiations at the moment.

Find out more about Manchins comments.


Many climate hawks, advocacy groups, and others responded with optimism Manchin’s comments.

Senator Manchin supports climate action and clean energy. I support climate and clean energies. We all agree that we must address the greatest crisis and most economic opportunity the world has ever experienced. Let’s get this done and pass these provisions now in Build Back Better, tweeted Sen. Ed MarkeyEd MarkeyWarren and Democrats ask federal government for a resume tracking breakthrough cases Senate confirms Rahm Emmanuel as ambassador to Japan Manchin Sanders will oppose Biden FDA nominee Califf (D-Mass.).

Manchin’s support for climate investments means that we can and must get them done. This statement was made byJamal Raad (executive director of Evergreen Action). To have a chance of a living future and a thriving clean-energy economy, we must pass the Climate Investments in the Build Back BetterAct.

Others were more skeptical.John Paul Mejia, spokesperson for the progressive Sunrise Movement, stated that there have been many compromises and that it is absurd to ask us to make more. The BBB will not reduce to a poor climate bill, especially if the climate bill is to trust and was designed by a coal baron.

Rep. Jared HuffmanJared William HuffmanEnergy and Environment Advocates seek Plan Bclimate legislation. The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by National Industries for the Blind. Biden calls for omicron concern but not panic Advocates, Democrats, seek climate plan B following the Manchin bombshell.(D-Calif.), told The Hill that he didn’t read too much into the latest comments.

He said it was time for some votes. I won’t get too excited if he says he can support climate provisions. I’m not going to be discouraged by his vague comments about other parts. I think the Senate should move.

Democrats are open to change

Democratic lawmakers indicated ahead of Sen. Joe Manchins’ (D-W.Va.), comments on Tuesday that the package could change during negotiations with the senator swing vote.

Sen. Brian SchatzBrian Emanuel SchatzThe Hill’s 12:20 Report: Snow day in DC Biden. Lawmakers mourn Harry Reid Biden’s fastest economic recovery. Why hasn’t anyone noticed this? MORE(D-Hawaii acknowledged that the package might change from its current form.

He said that we are working towards a package which can get 50 plus one votes. It remains to be seen if the package will pass exactly as it is currently envisioned.

Sen. Tina SmithTina Flint SmithSome good information in the battle for rebalancing the courts Biden touts the infrastructure bill in Minnesota swing District Senators call to Smithsonian Latino, women’s museums to be built at the National Mall(D-Minn.), made similar comments to Manchins apparent opposition towards some of its social spending when he was asked.

Smith stated that we need to find a package with 50 senators’ votes. This is the negotiation we are currently in.

When the votes are secured, Schatzsaidlawmakers would get the bill through the finish line.

Get this done as soon we get the votes. If it is tomorrow morning, that’s when you should do it. He said, “If it’s February 7, that’s when you should do it.” You vote when you have the votes. If you don’t, the vote is delayed.


According to research published by Nature Geoscience, climate change could cause hurricanes to expand their reach further north into Atlantic, potentially affecting New York City and Boston.

Researchers believe that warmer temperatures could result in tropical storms moving farther north when they form within the Northern Hemisphere. This could lead to more storms, such as 2021’s hurricane Henri that caused $550 million in damage and became the first cyclone to hit Rhode Island in three decades.

According to researchers, the researchers believe that if the same forces push north in the eastern Pacific Ocean, they could have similar impacts on cities such as Tokyo and Beijing.

Joshua Studholme, Yale’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences lead author, stated that this is an important and under-estimated climate change risk. This research predicts that 21st-century tropical cyclones will likely be more widespread than in the last 3,000,000 years.

Find out more about the study.


This is it for today. Thanks for reading. Check out The Hills Energy & Environment pageFor the most recent news and coverage. We hope to see you again tomorrow.

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