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PM Modi: Natural farming is India’s answer to the world in terms of food security and environment concerns.
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PM Modi: Natural farming is India’s answer to the world in terms of food security and environment concerns.

The world will be inspired by India’s natural farming innovations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed to India’s farmers to make the shift from chemical-based farming to natural farming.

Today is the time to start working towards the new possibilities of tomorrow. India is well-positioned at this moment to offer the world a solution for the problems of food security in a better harmony with nature, he said in a video address to the National Conclave on Natural Farming in Anand on Thursday.

Modi reiterated his appeal for the world to fulfill the Climate Change Summit’s call to action to create a sustainable lifestyle.

I appeal to the investor community. This is the right time to invest in organic and natural farming methods, and for the processing of such produce. We have a huge market waiting for us not only in India, but around the globe.

Modi stated that India’s farmers will lead natural farming and asked them for a resolution on the occasion Amrit Mahotsav (75th anniversary of Indias independence) to free India from chemical-based fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. He also asked them to unlearn the old practices and learn the new ones.

Encourages farmers to replace inorganic fertilizers by natural elements

Modi stated that chemical fertilizers create a huge economic burden for farmers. Modi said that Atmanirbhar bharat (self-reliant India), can only be achieved if India’s farming is improved and every farmer becomes Atmanirbhar. Modi stated that this is possible only if inorganic fertilizers are replaced with Govardhan (cow based ingredients) natural elements that enrich our soil.

Farmers now have the ability to choose what crop to grow and how it is produced thanks to a variety of policy interventions and innovations. Farmers face even greater challenges due to declining soil fertility and diminishing groundwater resources. Chemical and fertilizers played a significant role in the green revolution. However, it is equally important that we look for their alternatives and work towards them, he stated.

Time to get alert

Imported chemical-based fertilizers can have a huge cost impact on governments and farmers. This also creates inflationary pressures on food for the hungry. Modi stated that it is important to be alert and take action before it is too late.

The government is also working to establish a testing infrastructure to support organic/natural farming in order to create a complete ecosystem. Amit Shah, Union Cooperation Minister, stated in an interview that the government, through its cooperatives ministry, would help to build a network of testing labs that will test the land as well as certify organic products. To ensure that farmers receive higher prices on the international market. Amul said that organizations such as Amul are required to work together to realize this idea.

Also read: “Value-added agriculture can keep India’s Trade afloat.”

The National Conclave was held as part of the three-day Anand Agriculture University, Anand, December 14-16. This summit was a precursor to Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit. The Union Agriculture Minister Narendrasinh Tmar, Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat as well as the Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Paltel and other central government officials. Also, there were farmers from Gujarat and other parts the country who joined virtually.

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