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Seven pieces of tech that can help the environment
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Seven pieces of tech that can help the environment

Seven pieces of home tech helping the environment

Every year, home technology is improving for both the environment and people. Smart home tech has gained popularity over the years. These devices simplify everyday life and save homeowners money.

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Another important benefit of Smart homeTech is its positive effect on the environment. These pieces of tech can help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint and use resources more efficiently, which is a huge benefit to the planet.

1. Solar Panels

Solar panels were not a common technology until very recently. However, solar panels are now a mainstream technology. over 2 million solar panel installationsThe U.S. has seen a steady increase in solar panel adoption through 2030. The price of solar panels has fallen over the years. New technologies, such as Tesla’s innovative solar roof have gained mainstream attention in home solar.

This piece of home technology may be more expensive than the others, but it can pay dividends in the long term, especially considering rising energy costs. Even if you don’t have enough sun to power your solar panels 100%, they can help you reduce your electricity bills and carbon footprint.

2. Composters

Although composting has been around for a long time, technology is making it even more efficient for homeowners. Electric kitchen composters are capable of turning food scraps into green, repurposed soil in just hours. Traditional composting can take up to weeks. Both are good for the environment. Electric composters make it easy for homeowners to get maximum use of their compost heaps and food scraps.

An electric composter can be used by homeowners to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. This is especially important for organic waste, which composters can break down and create methane in landfills. Methane, which is 25 times more efficient at trapping heat than CO, is a potent greenhouse gas.2.

3. Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats allow homeowners to use energy more efficiently, lowering energy bills and optimising their heating and cooling for sustainability. An estimated 48% homeowners consume energyIt is because heating and cooling are both energy-intensive. Hence, reducing this category of energy use can make a significant difference. A smart or programmable thermostat is the best way to do this.

These pieces of smart tech can optimize your heating and cooling. For example, you can program your thermostat to adjust the temperature of your home. Based on a daily scheduleThis allows you to reduce power consumption when everyone is at school or work. Many smart thermostats can also monitor energy consumption so you can gain insight into where you can cut down without sacrificing comfort.

4. LED Smart Lightbulbs

While lightbulbs may not seem like high-tech home tech, they can make an enormous difference if you use your home tech for the environment. Smart lightbulbs and LED lightbulbs will also save you money. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, LED lightbulbs will save you money. Use minimum 75% less powerThey last 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. They last 25x longer!

You can save hundreds of dollars each year by switching to LED bulbs instead of old bulbs. LED lightbulbs are easily found in most departmental stores today.

Smart lightbulbs can also be used to add additional features such as different light colors, brightness levels and hues, aswell as simplified scheduled lighting options. You may need a smart hub device to control all the smart lightbulbs, depending on which type you choose.

Seven pieces of home tech helping the environment

5. Smart Sprinklers

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, up to half of outdoor water use in the U.S. Inefficient watering is a waste methods. This is a waste of valuable clean water and energy. Smart sprinklers and smart irrigation systems can help homeowners reduce water waste and lower their water bills. The EPA offers a rebate on utility bills for WaterSense-certified smart sprinkler systems.

Smart sprinklers can be expensive at $100 and more, but they will pay off over time like many smart home devices. These pieces of smart house tech come with Many convenient featuresYou can schedule watering times and make automated weather-based adjustments. Smart sprinklers are optimized to maximize watering precisely, which will likely give your lawn and garden an easier watering experience.

6. EV Charging Stations

If you have the financial means, it is possible to invest in an electric vehicle and a home charging station. This will help the environment. You can reduce your carbon footprint by switching to an electric vehicle. If you plan to switch to an electric vehicle, a home charging station will be a crucial addition to your home. You will find more charging stations all over the U.S., but one at your home will be the most convenient.

Home charging stations for EV models will be available from EV manufacturers. There are many options for those who are new in the EV world. a few top modelsThese are a great place for you to start your search of a green vehicle, including a Tesla Model 3.

7. Smart Appliances

Energy-efficient smart appliances are essential for any smart home. There are many models and options available, making it easy for homeowners to find the right appliance for them. You can also gradually invest in newer, more environmentally friendly appliances by purchasing one appliance at time to add to your home.

Smart appliances can help reduce your overall energy consumption, while others have sustainability features. Smart washing machines, for example, use water more efficiently and reduce water waste. Smart fridges can also help you reduce food waste by alerting you when food is about to expire. These features help you save money while also helping the environment.

Green Home Tech for Sustainable Living

Smart and green technology can make everyday life easier, save homeowners money on their utility bills, and reduce their environmental impact. Home tech harnesses your ability to add small positive habits and adjustments to make big changes. These devices are worth the investment.

What are your thoughts on smart home tech and home technology in general? You can share your thoughts on any one of the social media pages below. You can also comment at ourMeWe pageJoin the MeWe social networking.

Last updated May 9, 2022.

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