Students support the environment by participating in Environmental Week and Earth Day celebrations.
From April 18-22, the Student Government Association hosted Environmental Week. It included various events to raise awareness about environmental issues. Vegetarian club and Hispanic Student Union had their own events and stations that encouraged students to help the environment.
The SGA environmental protection panel holds Environmental Week every year. Chase DeBruyn was the SGA administrative vice-president of environmental protection.
DeBruyn explained that the more people appreciate the environment the more people will want to preserve it. I hope that Environmental Week gives students a greater awareness of the environment and a better understanding of it as citizens and students.
Environmental Week included a variety events to raise awareness about the environment. Students were encouraged and encouraged to share their items with others, such as food or plant succulents, during the week.
The Hispanic Student Union took part in Environmental Week, giving away plants to students and hosting other activities at Rice Plaza on Thursday.
We wanted Earth Day to be celebrated so we are giving away free succulent plants and free food.
Madison Williams, freshman biology major and Alexandria Allison, sophomore nursing major, sold succulent plants at The Breezeway every week for Alpha Sigma Tau.
Each succulent costs $5, and all proceeds will go to Evansville, Allison said. It is just something we can all do to make the Earth a little better.
Mary Stoll is an advisor to the Vegetarian Club and Philosophy Club. She said that the clubs collaborated on a few events. One of those events was a picnic and the showing of Reinventing Power, a documentary that showcased jobs in renewable energies.
Stoll said that the Veg Club aims to make people think about the effects of their diets on the planet. According to the United Nations, the best thing an individual can do in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to change their diet. The lower your consumption of food, the less resources you use.
Lauren Pilkington was a senior radio and TV major who attended most of these events. She said she enjoyed Environmental Week in general.
Pilkington stated, “I think that USI as well as each club involved did an excellent job bringing together the community to celebrate Earth Day” and the end of the year.”
DeBruyn said, It’s going to be important that our generation has an increased vigor for environmental protection and activism as climate change gets worse.