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Suffolk teacher gets Green Star for environmental efforts – The Suffolk News-Herald
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Suffolk teacher gets Green Star for environmental efforts – The Suffolk News-Herald

A Suffolk teacher was awarded a green star for her environmental work, which is something that many teachers give their students. recognizes 10 Hampton Roads teachers who go above the call of duty to help their students make a positive impact on the environment. Suffolks Tonya Bangley is among these winners.

Bagley is a teacher at Kings Fork High School. She also serves as the advisor for the Ecology Club, which partners with the Nansemond River Preservation Alliance. She is also a Nansemond River Preservation Water Quality and Oyster Restoration Committee member.

Bagley said, “I am so excited to receive the award.” It is not just me. It is a group effort. These projects are possible because I have a special team that includes teachers, students, and community partners.

Bagley and her Ecology Club students participate in various projects including oyster restoration efforts and the establishment of a moist buffer at Sleepy Hole Park. Bagley also gives her high school students the skills to teach middle school students about the watershed, and other environmental science topics. Bagley believes it is a win-win scenario where the older students get excited about the watershed and the middle schoolers get a boost of knowledge.

Bagley says that this award was not something Bagley won on her own. She thanked the many people who helped her make these projects a success: her principal, her fellow teachers, the city and her parents.

She said that what is cool about the program, is the parental involvement. Students brought their parents, grandparents, nieces and nephews when they came to our oyster reef project. It is truly a group effort.

Each Green Star recipient receives $1,000 to purchase supplies, resources, or to finance a green student-driven project. Bagley plans on using the money to fund an outdoor classroom. This classroom will have a greenhouse filled with plants that students will be able care for and learn from all year. COVID-19 delayed the project, but she hopes that this grant money will make it a reality.

Bagley stated that Kings Fork and Suffolk have given us a lot of support. Everyone works together well and it is something to be appreciated. I am extremely grateful.

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