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Tackling the Climate Crisis – Now’s the Time to Push Forward if We’re to Win the Net Zero Race
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Tackling the Climate Crisis – Now’s the Time to Push Forward if We’re to Win the Net Zero Race

Tackling the Climate Crisis - Now’s the Time to Push Forward if We’re to Win the Net Zero Race


Following COP26, it’s clear we’re on code red. It’s clear that not enough is being done in order to address the climate catastrophe. The next ten years will decide whether we win or fail to combat the climate crisis.

It’s no longer enough to reduce emissions. We must actively eliminate CO2To prevent irreversible climate change, we must remove all traces of atmospheric pollutants. In order to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C, we will need to use negative emission technologies as per the Paris Agreement.

Bioenergy with carbon capture & storage (BECCS), is the most efficient and scalable technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.2From the atmosphere. Drax has been trialling BECCS at its power station in North Yorkshire, and it’s ready to be deployed at scale.

Construction of BECCS could begin in 2024. The first unit will be operational in 2027, and the second in 2030. Capturing at most 8 million tonnes of CO2 every year, it would deliver the world’s largest carbon capture in power project, making a significant contribution towards the UK’s decarbonisation targets.

BECCS at Drax will reduce the costs of achieving net zero in the UK by £26billion, as well as creating over 10,000 green jobs across the North and protecting tens of thousands more.

What’s more, BECCS can play a vital role in enabling harder to abate sectors, such as manufacturing and agriculture, to decarbonise. They can continue to operate and create their own solutions to reduce emissions by allowing them to offset them.

BECCS will be an important part of Drax’s journey to net zero, but what about your organisation? Drax can help your reach your sustainability goals without compromising on commercial success.

Drax Power Station is the UK’s largest single site renewable power generator, generating 12% of the UK’s renewable electricity, and the fifth largest renewable power supplier to UK businesses and organisations.

Drax offers a variety of decarbonization products, services, and tools to help manage growing energy use due to expanding technologies and digitalization. With contracts that are tailored to your requirements and sustainability goals, you can choose 100% renewable electricity. If you generate your own power – they can help you sell it. And if you have your own fleet of vehicles – they can help electrify them.


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