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The environment and the 2022 Winter Olympics
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The environment and the 2022 Winter Olympics

The Olympics are a time to celebrate and build friendships. The Olympic opening ceremonies always make for a spectacular sight. It is a great opportunity to gather with friends and family to cheer on the athletes and watch them compete in amazing athleticism. Despite the glory of the Olympic stage and the athletic achievements, there are often side effects. Since 1960, the Olympics have been successful in all cases. run over budgetAt an average rate of 172%, the infrastructure that was constructed is inevitably falling into disuse. Many times, residents of Olympic cities host are often displacedto make space for the urban upheaval necessary to support the Olympic logistical nightmare. The most important thing is that the Olympic Games are unsustainable and wreak havoc on the host cities.


China has attempted to create a sustainable venue for the 2022 Winter Olympics. This Winter Olympics is the focus of China and the International Olympic Committee. The greenest, most pure and natural ever.Beijing Organizing Committee cites a number of claims, such as 100% green electricity and sustainable construction processes. This allows them to claim that their operation will be the first carbon neutral Olympics. China can be the arbiter on environmental success because it lacks third-party oversight, has no clear objectives, and is not subject to sanctions. Many experts believe that China’s efforts to host a sustainable Winter Olympics is inadequate, despite the claims made by China.


Beijing is one of the most inhospitable locations for Winter Olympics. Beijing is not a location that receives enough precipitation to sustain the Winter Games. Beijing has had to resort to the resource-intensive artificial sledding process in order to compensate for the absence of natural snow. Carmen de Jong from University of Strasbourg says that Beijing’s snowmaking process is a success. This could take up to500,000,000 gallons water. This huge demand for water puts even more stress on an area already suffering from water scarcity. Beijing is one example.The most water-scarce placesThe world.


Each Olympic event boasts its commitment to sustainability. However, the ever-growing ambition of the Olympic events combined with the ever-growing consequences of climate change outcompete any sustainability efforts. According to aStudyCoverage of the Olympics 1992-2020Despite the claims of host countries such China, the Olympics are less sustainable. Three actions are required to make the Olympics more sustainable, according to the study: reducing their size, rotating the Olympics between the same cities, and enforcing third party sustainability standards.


The Olympics offer a chance to increase prestige and international exposure. However, the host country must view the Olympics as a commitment towards sustainability. The Olympics and other mega-events like them will become more difficult to host as the effects of climate change continue to increase.

Contact Adrian Fontao at [email protected].

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