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The Renewal Workshop, the premier provider of circular solutions for apparel and textiles, releases Leading Circular
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The Renewal Workshop, the premier provider of circular solutions for apparel and textiles, releases Leading Circular


TRW has created the process of renewal to restore clothing, bags, and other home goods to standard conditions. This allows for longer wear times and lower carbon emissions than new items.

The Leading Circular this year highlights the voices of activists, who are making a difference in the industry’s understanding of carbon and circularity.

Dominique Drakeford’sThis essay explains how the current circular approach continues “the colonial command of power dynamics while keeping in the veil of ‘Doing good for people, planet’ as a facade to noble action.”

Liz Rickettsessay, She Can No Longer Carry Us, is a first person account about the impact of the death of our mother. GhanaUS over production. Her closing words must be heard. “Just because you don’t feel or see the excess fashion has on us doesn’t mean it isn’t there and destroying the industry that we love.”

re/make authors Ayesha Barenblat, Elizabeth Cline ChelseyGrassoWe must dispel the myth that we can just recycle our way out the climate crisis. “Brands must stop recycling the low-hanging fruit and work towards circularity, which includes product life extension and reuse. 

“Climate change represents the greatest existential threat facing humanity. This urgency is the basis of the Leading Circular 2021 report Carbon and Circularity. Nicole Bassett, Co-Founders Jeff Denby. “We are asking every apparel and textile brand for a commitment to displacing 10 percent of new production in the next 5 year and investing those resources into renewal.”   

About the Renewal Workshop
The Renewal Workshop, the world’s leading provider of circular solutions, is a leader in apparel and textile brand development. We help brands to reduce revenue growth from resource consumption and expand their businesses through circular practices. We offer apparel and textile renewal, new product sales channels, including white-labeled online recommerce sites, data collection, circular mapping, and circular education.

SOURCE: The Renewal Workshop


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