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UN chief says it is time to implement credible and tangible forest management
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UN chief says it is time to implement credible and tangible forest management

Time for tangible and credible forest management, says UN chief
In his message on the International Day of Forests, the UN chief stated that healthy forests are vital for the planet and people.

They act as natural filters and provide clean water.[and]Help regulate the climate by influencing rainfall patterns, cooling cities, and absorbing one third of greenhouse gas emissions. Secretary-General Antnio Guterres.

This international day, which is celebrated annually on 21/03/19, reminds everyone how sustainable forest management is key to combating the effects of climate change and contributing to the wellbeing and prosperity of the current and future generations.


Assuaging poverty

Forests are also crucial in poverty alleviation and achieving the Goals. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The UN chief stated that they provide livelihoods, medicine, sustenance, and refuge for many communities.

Relentless deforestation

These invaluable ecological, economic and social benefits are of great value to the environment, economy, society, and health, but global deforestation continues at alarming rates.

He said that despite our repeated commitments to stop the destruction of trees, there has been a slowing down in some areas. However, we still destroy and degrade some 10 million hectares each year.

It is crucial that the Glasgow Leaders are implemented worldwide Declaration on Forests and Land UseSecretary-General highlighted the importance of these and other instruments to protect our forests.

Recommit to healthy forest

He stated that now was the right time to take tangible and credible actions on the ground.

This means ending unsustainable consumption patterns and production patterns that harm forests, and supporting sustainably managed forests in countries and communities that need it.

Let us renew our commitment to healthy forests and better livelihoods on this International Day of ForestsHe concluded.

Background of the day

The General Assembly Proclamed21 March 2012, International Day of Forests. This day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all kinds of forests.

All levels of government are encouraged to organize activities that involve forests and trees, including tree planting campaigns.

In collaboration with other people, the UN Forum on ForestsThe Food and Drink Agriculture Organization (FAO) organizes events for the day.

Visit UN NewsFor more information.

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