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We can all work together to end plastic pollution
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We can all work together to end plastic pollution

If we stopped all plastic production globally today, then the existing plastic pollution in the oceans and on land could be reduced. Continue to harmonize For decades to come, our natural ecosystems, wildlife, and public health will be in great shape. Plastic will remain in our environment for many years, once it has been introduced.

These were the findings from a 2021 World Wildlife Fund ReviewNearly 2,600 papers have been published on marine plastic pollution. Even if we don’t have any more plastic, the article concluded that it is almost impossible to eliminate existing plastic litter from our oceans. Both microplastic particles and larger pieces can be found in the Deepest, most remote parts our oceans, In the arctic ice caps, Deeply buried on the ocean floor, and in Humans, marine mammals, and fish bodies.A straw or plastic bag that is used for less than five minutes will continue polluting the environment and causing harm to wildlife for thousands of generations.

Environmental groups and zero waste activists have been warning about this for years. Studies like the one by World Wildlife fund confirm that marine plastic pollution is a growing global crisis. This will only get worse even if there are more studies. significant actionToday’s action is taken to stop more plastic from entering the oceans.

Given the stakes, it is imperative that we take immediate action to stop the production of plastic junk. There are many avenues to combat plastic waste. America’s green grocery, Whole Foods, is the first to address this problem.

Whole Foods and similar companies are in a unique position to lead the way towards a plastic-free future.

Plastic packaging for single use, including food wrappers, is a major cause of pollution. 40%Our total plastic production. Whole Foods has been a leader in sustainability in the past. They were the First U.S. grocery to eliminate plastic bags In 2008, checkout counters were open at the registers. They eliminated plastic straws, polystyrene foam, and plastic straws From their store shelves.

However, the market chain’s high-profile status has been unable to keep up with its competitors. Whole Foods has received an award for its customer service over the past two-years. FAs You Sow is being criticized for failing to develop a plan to tackle plastic waste. It is evident that the company could protect our oceans, watersways, and wildlife, but they won’t do it alone.

Governments are taking steps, it is clear. More than 150 countries have taken the first steps towards a global treaty to reduce plastics waste. 5th sessionof the United Nations Environment Assembly, (UNEA-5.2). This effort sets the groundwork for a legally binding deal that covers the entire plastic life cycle, from extraction and production to disposal. It will include metrics to reduce the number of single-use plastics that are being produced around the world.

Negotiations can take many years and the implementation of a treaty may take even longer.

We coordinated a week-long campaign to urge Whole Foods Markets to stop using single-use plastic packaging for Valentine’s Day. We cannot afford to wait for the plastics crisis to get worse. Social media, which is popular among passionate customers, is a great way to pressure the company into action.

We helped thousands of people to like, comment on, share, and repost throughout the week to help Whole Foods move away from single-use plastic. Here’s what our week-long participants had to say:

  • Your store is no longer a place I shop because of all the plastic. I love your products, and would return to you if you made any changes.
  • It’s time to stop relying on single-use plastic. This is especially important if we want to ensure that our grandchildren and children have a healthy planet. This includes wildlife, forests, and all other amazing living things on this planet.
  • Whole Foods was the first company to ban plastic bags and encourage customers to use their own bags. You made this change quickly. You have the power again to increase your impact through eliminating single-use plastics from your stores. Make it happen!!
  • Whole Foods, please do YOUR PART to stop single-use plastics being used! Thank you!

It is clear that Whole Foods customers expect the company’s environmental standards to be upheld and to lead in environmental protection, as they have done in the past. Plastic pollution will continue threatening the health of wildlife, humans, and our natural environments. How much plastic we produce and how severe we damage the environment and public health will depend on how our governments, corporations, and grocery stores like Whole Foods act today.

As efforts continue to ratify the global plastics treaty, we can and should raise our voices to urge Whole Foods and other corporations to immediately take action. They have the ability and capability to eliminate plastic from their operations, leading us to a world without plastic.

Photo:Litter on Singapore’s ECPVaidehi Shah via Flickr. CC BY 2.0.

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