Most coffee is grown in monocultures around the globe. Mexico’s coffee plantations are a great place to find biodiversity. Coffee is still grown in the shade and natural forest of Mexico and harvested by hand.
About 90% of Mexican coffee farms are located in Mexico minifundistasThey don’t have the financial resources to change to more industrialized methods. It’s great for their environment, but it also means they earn very little.
Cafecol is helping Veracruz coffee farmers increase their income and preserve their ecological practices by supporting high-quality bean production. The Bioeconomy Acceration Fund provides farmers with an advance on crops not yet harvested to allow them to grow high-quality coffee for longer periods of time.
Project goal: To help farmers solve cash flow problems before and during harvest so they can improve their produce’s quality. The fund is not only for coffee producers, but also vanilla and cocoa farmers. Future expansions could be possible.
Partner organizations Cafecol, The Biodiversity Financing Initiative (BIOFIN).United Nations Development Program
Funding: BIOFIN, which is part the Germany Environment Ministrys International Climate Initiative, has donated $15,000 towards the FundCafecol is also provided with legal support.
Katya Dhne films