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Spandex’s Environmental Impact
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Spandex’s Environmental Impact

10 Animal and Environment Movies and Series of 2021

SpandexIt is a stretchy synthetic fabric, also known as elastane and lycra. Its used in leggings, shapewear, and anything else that’s tight, elastic, and usually very comfortable. However, spandex is not sustainable and can be harmful to the environment.

Here are four reasons not to buy spandex in future.

Made from Petroleum

Like polyester, spandex is primarily made of fossil fuels, particularly petroleum. This causes oil spills, deforestation and biodiversity loss as well as methane emissions.This nonrenewable resource is responsible Half of America’s carbon emissions are from the United StatesIt accounts for about a third the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. The problem is not with the clothing itself. These synthetic garments release carbon into the atmosphere and contribute to increasing air pollution.

Harsh Chemicals

Spandex production relies on a number of incredibly important factors. Toxic chemicalsThese chemicals can cause serious health problems. Spandex is made of polyurethane. carcinogenicThis chemical may also act as a mutagen. Repeated exposure to this chemical may cause damage to the kidneys and liver as well as to the brain and bone marrow. There are no occupational exposure limits for the substance, despite the known health risks.

Spandex, a synthetic fiber requires synthetic dyes. These man-made colorsants are One of the most polluting elements in textile manufacturing is known as “pollution”.They can affect water quality and plant growth, as well as get into the food chain and cause photosynthesis to be impaired. Increase chemical oxygen and biochemical demand.

TDI and MDI (Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate; Methylene biphenyl-4,4-diisocyanate) are both used in spandex production. Both are toxic and TDI can cause cancer. Spandex producers must follow strict quality guidelines to ensure that the final garment does not contain any TDI or MDI residues.

Toxic to the Skin

It shouldn’t surprise that spandex contains toxic chemicals. Don’t irritate your skin. TDI can cause dermatitis. Other rubber or rubber-processing chemicals can also cause skin irritation. Spandex may also contain lax, which can trigger allergic reactions. One rule of thumb is that transparent spandex tends to be less likely to contain any latex.

Synthetic fibers are available. Spandex is not breathableYou can sweat if you are exposed to chemicals or formaldehyde. The sweating can also be caused by dyes and formaldehyde.

Not Biodegradable

Spandex can be described as plastic. It is not biodegradable. This is especially true when compared with linen, which will go to a landfill in a few years. Few weeks. Spandex is a major source of microplastics. So old garments dont just sit in a landfill for the rest of time — tiny pieces of it spread into our water, our food, and eventually, into our bodies.

The chemicals used to treat spandex will release as the garments sit, and will rot even more than the garment itself. These toxic chemicals can seep into the soil, contaminating the water and land it comes in contact with.

What can you do?

You can stop buying petroleum- and polyurethane based synthetic fibers such as spandex and polyester. As we all should try to avoid plastic bottles, so should we all avoid plastic clothing. There are many other natural fiber options, which don’t take resources from an already stressed environment. Keep an eye out when you shop for these natural fibers! You can also wear clothes longer and take better good care of them between wears.

Finally, if you are no longer able to wear your favorite pair, consider donating them to a textile recycling bank. They may be able to be cut up and made into new, flattering sportswear.

Be proud of what you have and love what you don’t have.

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