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These Food Brands Are Giving Back to the Environment
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These Food Brands Are Giving Back to the Environment

One Degree Organics is a smart company that combines tech and food. The company encourages you to get in touch with the farmer and learn all about them. You can also watch videos of how your product is grown. All products on the portal are organic, non GMO, glyphosate free, and you can choose from cereals or granolas.

The smallest step in the kitchen is to eliminate all aluminum and plastic wrap and opt for Bees Wrapreusable Food Storage Sheets. Bees Wrap was created as a way to eliminate disposable food storage material. It is made from organic cotton and beeswax and is washable, reusable and compostable. The company also pledges support to pro-planet efforts such as ocean conservancy and beach cleanups.

Counter Culture takes a small portion of each pound of coffee sold and puts it back into its Seeds program. This program offers financial grants for producers to help them with various sustainable projects. The coffee is fair-traded and grown. However, Counter Culture has sustainability embedded in many layers of its product. An example is the annual transparency report, which tells you everything, from reducing their carbon footprints to improving the lives of employees to new sustainable certification.

Equo products are a great replacement for single-use plastics. Equo products are made with edible ingredients like sugarcane, coffee, coconut and grass. All straws can be composted and won’t get soggy halfway through your drink, unlike paper ones. The company also makes spoons, knives, forks and forks from sugarcane fiber, which is extracted after the cane has had its juiced.

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